(780) 852-0139

Is Everything!


Health is your wealth. Wealth is your time. Time is limited. So use your time wisely!


Just because your path isn't busy doesn't mean you are on the wrong one!


EVOLVE was written to stimulate and satisfy those who strive to be better. Often many readers wonder if they are on the right path or have made the best decision for their success. EVOLVE seeks to assist those people in reaching their goals or “finish lines”.

With many literary choices available, EVOLVE offers a quick no frills, straight to the point, self help read. It can be read in under an hour but offers hours of wisdom!



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Evolve Book

Evolve Book

The straightforward content of this pocketbook allows readers to access short chapters containing reliable advice. Once the genuine principles are learnt, examples are provided so the reader can immediately add them to their skillset.

My hope is that this book guides and empowers more people to go outside of their comfort zone and obtain the results they deserve. Use this book as a navigational tool to assist with the hurdles and heartache associated with reaching your finish line.

Remember when you plan your own journey, the stress is predictable!

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The Amazing Hondo preforms a magic trick with the Evolve Book.


We uncover expectations in relationships and make them transparent!


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